Wednesday 18 June 2014

10 essential items in your Flood Kit

If your property is at risk of flooding (you can find out if it is here) there may come a time when you have to evacuate due to flooding. There are a number of things you can do before this occurs. One is prepare a Flood Kit.

Here is a list of 10 items we think are essential to have in your Flood Kit and we will add a few optional extras you might also consider.

  1. Warm and waterproof clothingYou may not have time to collect all the family's favourite jumpers and waterproofs so having some to hand that can be picked up on the run is a great idea.
  2. A Torch - who knows what time of day you may have to evacuate in a hurry so a torch is essential. Since your Flood Kit might not be used for years make it a wind-up torch so battery checking and replacement isn't an ongoing concern.
  3. Drinking Water - there is nothing surer than drinking water supplies getting contaminated so having your own supply is essential.
  4. Food - Having something to eat if only chocolate bars will help in a flooding emergency
  5. Rubber Gloves - to protect your hands from again getting contaminated
  6. Medication - If members of the family are on regular medication then a ready supply in your kit is a must. Inhalers and the like are necessary to maintain quality of life away from the home. Have them handy if not actually in the Flood Kit.
  7. Wellingtons - walking around with sodden footwear is uncomfortable. If the flood waters outside have been contaminated with sewage then you don't want to be walking around up to your ankles in it. Wellington boots are bulky and storing an entire family's collection will take up space. Again make them handy when the weather gets really wet.
  8. Battery or Wind-Up Radio - this isn't so the teenagers can listen to their favourite radio station. Local radio stations are the best way to keep abreast of latest developments and as with the torch if it is wind-up no need to worry about batteries either. 
  9. Mobile Phone - we now never leave home without one. This will be essential so that friends and relations can be informed of your safe situation away from the inherent dangers that flooding can bring.
  10. Flood Plan with contact details - this plan will have prepared you for this moment keep it with you for the information it contains.
Other things that you might consider having available are:

Waterproof camera to record how bad the flood got.
Toys for the children
Insurance documents - if the flood is really bad you might need these to get things moving whilst away from the premises.

This list is not exhaustive. If you can think of anything else we would be pleased to hear about it.

With flooding you need to:
  • know your risk
  • be prepared
  • have a Flood Plan

It's Summer - Prepare for Flooding

With the some newspapers predicting erratic and dramatic weather through the summer the prospect of flooding has not gone away through the change of season. Granted we are not suffering a prolonged wet season like last winter but the prospect of flash floods remains through the summer.

As local authorities cut back on non-essential services gully cleaning becomes less of a priority. It has always been a never-ending cycle so does it matter if it is done at a slower pace? So more and more surface water drains especially on roadways cease to function as they should. 

Surface water run off becomes an issue. 

This is further compounded by ground becoming dry and sunbaked solid. Heavy rain will not soak into the soil but will run off to the nearest watercourse causing it to go into spate. When several watercourses come together in these circumstances there is nothing more certain than a flash flood.

Can you prepare for a flash flood?

If the indications are there then you must. The indications being surface water streams running in times of heavy rain. Remember you don't have to be living near a river etc. to suffer a flash flood. So being prepared means paying attention to weather forecasts and weather warnings readily available from the Met Office here. Having some flood resistance measures like alternative sandbags to hand might be useful. Don't keep precious or sentimental items near to or on the floor downstairs. Flash floods can be dangerous too. Fast flowing water only a few centimetres deep will knock you off your feet.

  • Know your risk
  • Be Prepared
  • Have a plan
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